Monday, July 30, 2012

True Blood spoilers

Just a quick post while I watch men's gymnastics. I love this season of True Blood, so much. It is quickly becoming one of my favorite seasons, second only to the first.

Here's just a few quick highlights (power couples edition):

  • Sam & Andy, Sam & Luna, Sam &... Sam? I could not get over it, or his voice. 
  • I love Andy. "Shut up, buttplug." 
  • Tara and Pam! I love them teaming up.
  • Steve and Russell!
My colleague and I analyze every episode like there is some deep meaning. It is very therapeutic.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

oh baby

a lot of my friends have either recently had a baby or are expecting. while that isn't on my agenda, i can't help but "ooh" and "ahh" over cute baby clothes, especially swimsuits! target (my happy place) has the cutest suits out right now:
Sparkle suit

Ruffle pink
Anchor suit

Ruffle suit, coral

(don't worry, boys get cute things too, like these little boat shoes!)

Happy Sunday!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

everyone poops

I found this print on Etsy recently and thought it was pretty cute/funny. My bf stumbled across  it today and sent it me to as well, so I though I'd share it here. 

Everyone Poops print by ilovedoodle on Etsy

Friday, July 27, 2012


I've been wanting to start a blog for a long time, but never made it a priority. I just made a delicious smoothie that needed to be shared with the world. So, what better reason to start?

I can't guarantee that i will remember to update this thing, although it is certainly my goal. I've had blogs in the past (I'm looking at you, LiveJournal), but they have always kind of fizzled out. I hope to be consistent, but no promises. 

I also can't really say what I am going to write about, because I have no idea. food, fitness, soccer, cupcakes, crude humor... these are a few of my favorite things. I can tell you that there will likely be too many pictures of my cat, but I will try to reign it in. 

Well! Now that I have convinced you of all the reasons not to read, how about that smoothie? 

Peach Cake Smoothie (serves one, or maybe two if you are a normal person)
  • 6-8 frozen peach slices
  • 1/4 cup low-fat vanilla yogurt
  • 1/4 cup cottage cheese
  • 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 1/2 scoop Muscle Milk Cake Batter protein powder (optional)
  • 1 packet sweetener (I used Stevia in the Raw)
  • Drizzle of sugar-free maple syrup
  • Ice (4-6 cubes, depending on preference)
 This made enough for one giant cup. Obviously not everyone will have Cake Batter protein powder on hand, but I'm sure it will be just as delicious without. 

The credit for using cottage cheese in smoothies goes to the Dashing Dish. I was highly skeptical (and I actually like cottage cheese), but you cannot taste it at all. It just gives it an amazing consistency. Tofu may also work. 

The nutrition info worked out to about 290 calories, 3.7 g fat, and almost 25 g protein. Not bad, eh?

If you make it, let me know what you think! 

Start a blog? .. Let's do this!